Clay Hill Residents Survey

Dear Resident,

It’s been a tough year for people across Clay Hill. And thanks to
your efforts, we’re helping to stop the spread of coronavirus.

By filling in this short survey, you can make sure we focus on the
issues that matter — and help us get on the road to a brighter future.

Paul Dick

Your local Conservative candidate for Clay Hill


  • Current Campaigning for Clay Hill
  • Local priorities
  • NHS services
  • You and your views
  • Your details
1 How important is keeping Council tax as low as possible while providing excellent services for those who need them?
2 How important do you consider ensuring that money is wisely spent on projects that offer value for money?
3 How important to you is keeping our parks and green spaces safe and tidy?
4 How important do you consider providing eco friendly methods of transport in Clay Hill (such as cycle paths & public transport)?